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Image by Rachit Tank


Intellectual Property Rights are part of the business. Managing businesses should strategically acknowledge in advance the risk and opportunities while branding their services and products. With new developing markets and the Internet, businesses now have more lucrative opportunities than ever before to build valuable trademarks and more business models that ensure the visibility of their company. 


We are here to assist you in dealing with copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs or even patents.


Preparing a trademark should possess a trademark management strategy. It reflects the concerns and conditions of the business, its target markets and its industry. It should involve legal considerations, including risk tolerance capability, insurance, relationships with vendors, franchisees, distributors, etc.


We assist Clients in preparing their trademark from the perspective of legal business, including assessing potential lawsuits regarding the trademarks against another party. Hence, we are more than ready to defend your rights.

Industrial Designs

The design of a product is an opportunity for your Company. The Client has the potential to possess exclusive rights to the design and even license it for others in the scheme of royalties. Exclusivity over aesthetic features of a product such as its shape, ornamentation, patterns, lines or colour that meet certain prescribed criteria may be obtained via industrial design protection. The originality of a product design and the function are claimable, which means, it brings more opportunities for the business.


We assist Clients in preparing their Industrial Design from the perspective of legal business, including assessing potential lawsuits regarding the design against another party, internationally and nationally. We are more than ready to defend your rights.


A patent is part of the future. The new invention or integrated invention is subject to an exclusive right of a patent. The invention may be protected from patent internationally, according to the criteria of novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability or potential claim of the application.


We assist clients in preparing their patent plan from the perspective of legal business, including any potential lawsuit regarding the patent against another party, internationally and nationally. We are more than ready to defend your rights.

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